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Presidential Search Committee

Murray C. Greason, Jr., Chair (’59, JD ’62)
Bobbi Acord (’86, JD ’89)
Judy Karen Brunso-Bechtold
Simpson O. “Skip” Brown Jr. (’77, MBA ’86)
James Aaron Dean (’05)
Michele K. Gillespie
William B. Greene, Jr. (’59)
Deborah D. Lambert (’78)
C. Douglas Maynard (’55, MD ’59)
L. Glenn Orr, Jr.
K. Wayne Smith (’60)
Edwin G. Wilson (’43)

Faculty Advisory Committee

Chester “Chet” Miller, Babcock Graduate School of Management
Gordon E. McCray (’85), Calloway School of Business and Accountancy
Douglass M. Bailey (’60), Divinity School
Charles P. Rose, Jr., School of Law
Judy Brunso-Bechtold, School of Medicine
Michele K. Gillespie, the College
Katy J. Harriger, the College
Richard E. Heard, the College
Win-Chiat Lee, the College
Barry G. Maine, the College
Eric “Rick” Matthews, the College
Gloria K. Muday, the College